There is a beautiful photo in the living room of the Margaryans’ house of the husband, wife and their newborn son. At first glance, this is a normal family photo, but it is a photomontage. The father and son never met. Inductee Gevorg died in the 44-day war in Hadrut, two months before the birth of his son.

The relatives of the killed soldier say that they want the child who lost his father to grow up in beautiful family photos and memories and not feel lack of love and warmth.

Gevorg was from Noramarg village of Ararat region. He was the long-awaited son of the family. He was born on the 37th anniversary of his grandfather’s marriage, which is why he was said to be a gift.

Shortly before leaving for the army, he decided to bring his sweetheart home on his birthday and start living together. “I said, ‘Gevorg dear, you’re going to the army, I’m still thinking about how I am going to survive those two years.’ He was in a hurry to go to the army. Especially after marriage, he was saying more intensely, “I’ll go, serve and come back,” says his mother, Lusine Margaryan.

According to her, a few days before the start of the war, a parcel was prepared for Gevorg, some items were collected to be sent to him, but they received a call from him on September 26.

“He called on a late hour and said, ‘Mom, do not send my things yet.’ I asked why, he said, I do not know, they say that there are more snipers at the border, they took our elders, perhaps, they will take us too in the morning… I called in the morning. There were voices, noise. I asked, ‘Gev, what are these noises?’, he said, ‘they are taking us to the border.”

It is known that, on October 18, Gevorg was wounded in the neck, but he was bandaged on the spot and refused to leave the position. He died nine days later, on October 27.

“The last remaining group of boys was in Hadrut. They were in the third line, but there was so much retreating that they appeared in the frontline. The saboteurs knew their place,”says Lusine Margaryan.

The mother of the killed soldier says that her pain is doubled. “And, I feel sorry for Taguhi (Gevorg’s wife – author), she turned twenty a few days ago, and Tigran (Gevorg’s son – author) says ‘papa-papa’. He will grow up, he will see that others have fathers, but he will not have one… It is another kind of pain.”

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