The Journalists for Human Rights NGO received two special awards in the journalistic works contest award ceremony on topics “A Public Glimpse into a Closed World: ‘Human Rights Situation in Closed Institutions’” and “The Right to Be Free From Ill-Treatment”. The awards were given for consistently covering the problems in closed institutions.

Artur Sakunts, the Head of the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Vanadzor office, highly appreciated the work done by the organization, mentioning that there were very few organizations and media that have voiced and exposed problems in closed institutions so profoundly.

Discussions were held during the event, with participation of human rights activists, public figures, experts dealing with human rights issues, representatives of state and international organizations.

Launched by co-sponsorship of the European Union and Open Society Foundations-Armenia, the “Human Rights Situation in Closed Institutions in Armenia” contest of journalistic works was announced within the framework of the project “A Public Glimpse into a Closed World: ‘Human Rights Situation in Closed Institutions’”, which was implemented by Public Journalism Club NGO in consortium with Investigative Journalists NGO.

The contest of journalistic materials on the state of the enjoyment of the right to be free from torture and other cruel inhuman treatment or punishment was announced within the framework of “Combatting Torture and Ill Treatment in Georgia, Armenia and Ukraine” project jointly implemented by Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Vanadzor and The Georgian Centre for Psychosocial and Medical Rehabilitation of Torture Victims (GCRT), funded by the European Union.

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